I’m aware that most of my blogs mention food in some shape or form. As my life tends to revolve around food when I am at home, why should it change while I am in Vietnam?
The International Women’s Day celebrations continued this week as Mr Dung took all the female employees, some of his family members and me out for dinner. I was asked before hand whether I liked chicken, I enthusiastically said yes.
The International Women’s Day celebrations continued this week as Mr Dung took all the female employees, some of his family members and me out for dinner. I was asked before hand whether I liked chicken, I enthusiastically said yes.
There were two interesting things which I observed, as we all crammed into the car for the trip to the restaurant. Firstly, I was given the prestigious passenger seat in the front next to Mr Dung. Secondly, back seat driving crosses the cultural divide. This I observed, as tutting noises could be heard from Mr Dung's wife in the back seat, every time he swerved to avoid a scooter.
Today we also visited the SOS Children’s Village in Hai Phong. This is a charity funded community and school, set up to provide a “family” to orphaned children. After the initial introductions we were shown around their beautiful site and its facilities. We also met some of the “mothers” and children, and Debbie, a professional clown as well as a Senior HR Partner at IBM, spent some of her time dazzling them with her balloon animals. We have agreed to produce a proposal of what we can provide and organise during our stay in Vietnam, and plan to make a return visit over the next week. So I’ll keep you posted…We spent most of our visit to the orphanage introducing ourselves, so with that in mind my words of the day are…. What is your name? Which when speaking to children sounds like em ten laa (tone going down) zee (tone going down)? The response to this is toy ten laa (tone going down) Joanna.
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